Nov 19, 2010

Saman Dance

            Nowadays we can say no one does not know about saman dance. Most of people are familiar with saman dance, not only in Indonesia but also in other countries. In every performance saman dance are amazing, exciting and entertaining. For the first time until end the performance this dance always shows magic atmosphere, both for dancers and the audiences. The audiences will fall silent when hearing the dancers express praises to God and the audiences will follow the deep emotion from the dancers. Saman dance becomes popular dance because of a lot of  reasons, such as the history of saman dance that makes saman dance full of philosofy, the movement of saman dance and the uniform of saman dance.
            First, the history of saman dance that makes saman dance full of philosophy. Saman dance is one of popular dance in Aceh and the dance has become well-known abroad with the name of  “a thousand hands dance”. Saman dance comes from Gayo highlads in the XIV century “Saman” name was taken from the person who created and develop this dance namely Syeikh Saman, one of the Muslim scholar who spread the Islam religion in Nangro Aceh Darussalam. For the first time this dance just become tradisional game that called “pok ane”. This game was very interesting for many people, so Syeikh Saman inserted lyrics that recite the praises to God. Saman practice are usually done under Meunasah (tradisional house in Aceh that has shape of stage). So they are always praying together. Saman dance constitutes the spirit of Aceh people, and the dance is performed by some dancer together and it means that Aceh people always do something together with good cooperation in the daily life.
            Second, it is the movement of saman dance that makes it popular. The movement of saman dance are very unique and dynamic. The dancers sit on the floor with legs bent back together upward the body. In the beginning of the performance, saman is started with greeting called “regnum”. The utterance of greeting for audience comes saying Assalammualaikum, followd bay asking permission for dancing. After regnum, comes “ulu ni lagu” means head of song, but in here ulu ni lagu means kind of movements. In this part a lot of movements are already used in normal  speed. After that “lagu-lagu”. Which is the top of movements. The dancers need high concentration and good stamina. If one dancer makes mistake, it will make the other dancers lost their concentration, so it can generate more mistakes and disturb the dance. Next, the is “uak ni kemuh” that means medicine of movements. This movements are slow it is to reduce tiredness that comes among the dancers. If the dancer are already getting well, the movement become fast again. All movements in saman dance need synchronism from the dancers. The movements of this dance is increasingly fast until this dance end.
            The third, factor that contributes to saman dance popularity the costumes worn by dancers. Uniform costume that especially designed for saman dance consist of three part. The first part in the head consist of bulung teleng (with the square of black cloth in which the two sides of cloth sewed with yarn like in shirt). Costumes for the body consist of kerawang gayo cloth (black t-shirt which sewed by white, green, and red yarn). In the arms, there are the bracelet in two wrist. Color used there is according to tradition. That consist of certainted value, because the color show user identitity. The color also show synchronism, wisdom, and harmony
            Saman dance previously perfomed by male only because of the movement of this dance are so hard. Saman usually performed by 10-12 dancer, but stability of saman dance is supported bay 15-17 dancers. By the time saman dance is not only performed by male, but also by women called “musekat”. Saman dance usually is performed with music from “gendang”, and the sound of the dancer’s hand with the clap hand, clap chets, and the clap thigh.
            In short, saman dance a popular dance from Aceh becomes increasingly popular. This dance very spectacular because it needs high concentration and harmony of hand’s movements.

source: karina safitri (saman dancer)

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