Oct 31, 2010

beautiful story :')

Ini tidak hanya kisahku,tetapi kisah ini dari sudut pandangku, melihat dari sisi ku. Mencoba menyampaikan apa yang aku rasakan. Kisah yang aku kenang seumur hidup ku. Kisah ini sangat sederhana hanya terdiri dari hal-hal yang terjadi dalam kehidupan ku. Kisah ini tidak seindah kisah dari negeri dongeng,tetapi kisah ini kisah yang ada di dunia nyata. Aku harap kamu mau membaca kisahku,kisahku yang sangat sederhana tetapi sangat special.

Aku tidak bisa mengingat dengan jelas kapan aku bertemu dengannya,hanya terlintas fil pendek yang bermain tanpa kata-kata di dalam kepala ku saat aku mencoba mengingat kapan aku pertama kali bertemu dengan dia. Bagi ku mengingat kapan kita pertama kali bertemu dengan seseorang sangat penting tapi kali ini aku tidak bisa mengingat dengan jelasn kapan pertama kali aku bertemu dengan dia bahkan aku butu di ingatkan.

Sekitar setelah setahun pertemuan kami yang pertama,kami dipertemukan lagi,tapi aku tidak mengingat siapa dia dan dia juga tidak mengenaliku. Kami saling bekenalan, tepatnya di perkenalkan oleh temanku dan temannya. Saat bertemu hanya perkenalan biasa antara aku dan dia tanpa tahu apa yang akan takdir tuliskan kepada kami. Kami anya saling sapa dan memberi senyuman saat bertemu.

Seolah waktu memberi kesempatan pada kami. Aku dan dia berada di tempat yang sama,, tempat dimana kami bertemu setiap hari. Entah sejak kapan aku dan dia mulai mengawali hari bersama dan mengakhiri bersama pula. Tetapi hanya sebatas itu, tidak lebih saat antara awal dan akhir. Hari yang kami lalui kami menjalankan kehidupan masing-masing tanpa tahu yang terjadi kepadanya ataupun kepada ku. Kami memang berada di tempat yang sama tetapi kami tidak menyadari keberadaan masing-masing. Tiba dimana kami harus mengakhiri hari berjalan bersama sepanjang jalan berbincang tentang apa yang telah kami lalui saat kami tidak menyadari keberadaan masing-masing.

Hari-hari kami berlalu seperti itu bersama-berpisah-bersama (lagi) tanpa mencoba saling memahami. Aku hanya tau sedikit hal tentang dia,dia anak yang periang dan senang membuat orang lain tertawa. Suatu saat hal yang menyakitkan pada ku,mungkin sudah lama terjadinya tapi aku selalu menahanya. Hal itulah awal dari petualangan aku dan dia. Aku memutuskan lebih dekat dengannya,bersama-berpisah-bersama kini tak lagi seperti itu, selalu bersama itulah yang terjadi padahari-hariku dengan dia. Kami mulai menyadari leberadaan kami masing-masing tetapi belum saling memahami.

Menurutku kami orang yang tertutup dan tak mudah untuk saling membuka diri. Tanpa mengetahui alasannya aku merasa harus menceritakan sesuatu kepadanya,sesuatu dari masa lalu ku. Aku merasa dia tidak akan pernah mengkhianatiku. Senang rasanya aku bisa berbagi kisah dengan dia. Sejak saat itu kami selalu berbagi cerita,cerita yang selalu mebuat kami tertawa.

Sejak saat itu aku tidak pernah merasa sendiri karena hari-hariku selalu bersama dia, tertawa bersama,membicarakan hal-hal yang menurut orang lain tidak penting. Banyak hal yang kami bicarakan tetapi hanya kami sendiri yang mengerti. Saat kami jalan berdua atau lebih sering kami sebut “kencan”  aku merasa banyak mata yang ,memandang kami. Aku tak tahu mengapa, apa kami terlihat aneh?atau keren?. Tapi aku rasa mereka melihat sesuatu dari kami yang tidak bisa di jelaskan tapi terpancar dari diri kami.

Waktu terus berjalan.. tempat dimana kami selalu bersama tidak bisa lagi menjadi tempat kami lagi. Kami harus menemukan tempat kami masing-masing . jujur aku sangat takut kehilangan dia seseorang yang membuatku merasa jadi diri sendiri. Takut kami tidak bisa seperti dulu lagi,taku kami mempunyai dunia yang berbeda,takut dia pergi terlalu jauh sampai aku tidak bisa mengejarnya.

Sekarang tempatku dan dia telah berbeda, aku melangkah kedalam dunia baru.. begitupun dia, saat ini jalan yang kami lalui berbeda tapi kami pasti akan bertemu di persimpangan jalan lalu kami bisa berada di jalan yang sama.

Aku percaya kami akan meraih mimpi-mimpi kami. Mungkin dunia ku dan dunianya telah berbeda tapi kami tetap mempunyai dunia dunia kami, dunia aku dengan dia, dunia dimana hanya aku dan dia yang mngerti apa saja yang terjadi di dalam dunia kami yang kecil. Dunia tempat kami berbuat apapun yang kami inginkan.. dunia yang saat menyenangkan.

Kisahku ini masih terus berlanjut dan belum memiliki akhir seiring perjalan waktu... Kisah yang sangat aku sukai dari kisah yang ada. Kisah ini dari sudut pandangku, dari sisi aku dan kisah ini akan ku kenang selamanyaaaaa

arinayachii to viahzrdous99 <3


In this post I’m gonna tell you about my dolls,, yeah teddy bears :DDD
Don’t know exactly when I got my first teddy.. ehmmm I guess on January?? ,, am I right? Ahhh…

Ehmmmm okey my first teddy is “JOJO” (in Spanish) or “HOHO” (In English) .. why I call him him “hoho” or “ jojo” .. yupp because he’s my Jorge lorenzoooo ahahahaha ups,,,( *Jorge lorenzo anymore.. :p ) my hoho wear costume,, winter exactly (pants , jacket complete with muffler and hat) ahaha but I wonder now he live in Indonesia he will get sweat ahahaha :p  I  hug him as long as i sleep ahahaha (how’s sweeeettt :p) .. and I give him perfume ahahaha but don’t know why my best friend (cappa) always say that my hoho is stink!! Husshh,,, I thought she’s lying because hoho is soooooooo fragrant..  arin gave me this teddy bear when her mom came back from Iran,, don’t you know,, I really hope that Jorge Lorenzo will give sign on my teddy.. hope it’ll be! Honestly when I met Jorge Lorenzo on February i wanted him to do that, but his hand was broken..  he couldn’t :((
I can’t sleep without my hoho teddy,, :p ahhhh my best friend having same teddy like me too ,,, his name his hector ahahaha for Jorge Lorenzo’s fans absolutely know why she gave it :p … yeaaaa we’re twins bahahahaha :p always sameeeee.. thanks you so much arin,,  <3

My second teddy,, her name is viaaaa ahahaha same like me.. because she’s a couple of hoho ahahaha :p she’s so sweet very special and cuteee… her fragrance is strawberry… and her color is pink ahahaha very feminism.. she wear ribbon on her neck . arin gave me from Switzerland… ehhh what do you think if my hoho and my via get married????? (*just thinking :p)
loveee lovee loveee :* arin having same teddy like me too ahahaah :p I told you before we’re always same ,, and she give her teddy with her name too ,, how’s sweet <3

My third teddy,, her name is arin ,, because my viaa need friend J .. so my viaa will be happy,,, there’s no loneliness anymore .. not always with hoho ahahahaha  arin color’s brown with  brown ribbon on her neck ;) she gave me today,, from Switzerland.. ahhh welcome to my teddy family… loveee loveeee <3

My nephew want take my teddy away from me,, but it’s impossible ahahaha I will take care of hoho,viaa and arin.. be the best guard for them hohohohoh I love them all … ah yaa almos forget I have zakumi too :p will tell you later .. xxx



Bagi kebanyakan orang yang percaya bahwa malaikat itu ada dan turun kebumi itu menurut ku itu memang benar.. yak dia adalah sahabat kita,, malaikat tanpa sayap yang selalu ada di samping kita :))) no matter what happen,, dia ada untuk mu…

Dia selalu mengetahui perasaan yang sedang kamu rasakan tanpa harus bertanya kepada mu..  dia selalu memberikan semangat di saat kamu akan menyerah,, dia yang akan membangunkan mu dari mimpi dan mengajak mu untuk bersama meraihnya,, di saat kamu terjatuh dia akan membuat mu bangkit kembali.

Sahabat adalah kita bisa menjadi diri kita sendiri tanpa harus ada tuntutan dari pihak manapun,, seorang sahabat akan mendengarkan cerita sahabatnya,, mereka saling bertukar cerita dan tertawa bersama dengan membuat lelucon yang menurut orang lain tidak lucu atau bahkan aneh tetapi ketika di bahas dengan sahabatnya itu menjadi hal yang menarik .. entah tentang apa yang terjadi pada diri mereka,, masalah yang mereka hadapi dan tentang mimpi-mimpi bersama yang mereka ukir. Seseorang sahabat itu akan saling melengkapi satu sama lain.. dalam hidup ini tidak ada yang sempurna,, kesempurnaan hanya milik Tuhan.. tetapi dengan adanya sahabat di samping kita,, kita akan hampir sempurna,, hal-hal yang tidak ada dalam diri kita pasti ada di dalam diri sahabat kita :))

Sahabat itu susah di temukan.. mungkin rasio perbandingannya 1:1000000 di antara manusia yang ada di bumi.. itulah yang membuat sahabat berbeda dari seorang teman.. sahabat itu bukan masalah siapa yang kita kenal paling lama atau terlebih dahulu mengenal kita… sahabat adalah orang yang mengenal diri kita.. sama-sama saling mengenal satu sama lain from the inside :)))

Bagi kalian yang sudah menemukan sahabat,, jagalah sahabat kalian,, jangan lukai perasaannya karena dia adalah sesuatu yang sangat berharga di hidup kalian.. I love my best friend :)


My Story behind 99…

Some people think,, why do I love this number,, yes 99.. pretty sure they will guess its about Jorge lorenzo use this number… but it’s wrong guess!! I love Jorge Lorenzo when he used 48 ,, not 99… it’s just coincidence,, but I like it ahahahahaha
I think this number full of philosophy.. emmm it’s magic number… 9 or 99 it’s full artistic .. 99 or 9 it’s means goes to perfect.. I don’t like perfectly .. because perfect makes us easy to get satisfied.. 99 or 9 always give space room for us to be better. I think 100 or 10 score of God.. only God who perfect.. we’re just human.. having  a lot of crack.. don’t know why I’m excited when I get 9 or 99 as my score than 10 or 100 ahahaha

But did you know? 9 make outward 9 too … see this..
9x1 = 9
9x2=18 .. 1+8=9
9x3=27.. 2+7=9
9x8= 72.. 2+7=9
9x9= 81 8+1=9

Yeahh that’s 99 .


Oct 27, 2010

letters to juliet

kisah ini berawal pada saat Sophie ( Amanda Seyfried) dan tunangannya victor (Gael Garcie Bernal) ingin melakukan perjalanan ke Verona, Italy. akan tetapi saat berada di Italy Sophie dan Victor tidak bisa menikmati waktu bersama karena Victor yang seorang juru masak sangat suka berkunjung ke tempat kuliner dan perkebunan anggur yang ada di Italy. Sophie merasa bosan terus mengikuti kemana Victor pergi dan akhirnya mereka memutuskan menghabiskan liburan secara terpisah.

Di saat Sophie bertualang sendirian, ia bergabung menjadi sukarelawan yang membalas surat-surat yang di tunjukan pada juliet. suatu saat Sophie menemukan surat yang di tulis50 tahun yang lalu dan ia membalasnya. tanpa di sangka Claire (Vannesa RedGrave) dan cucunya Charlie (Christoper Egan) datang dari Inggris ke Italy untuk menemukan cinta sejati Claire yang telah terpisah selama 50 tahun. Akankah Claire menemukan cinta sejatinya? Bagaimana nasib pertunangan Sophie dan Victor?

Pada awal film terasa agak membosankan sampai di mulai perjalan Sophie, Claire dan Charlie. Jalan cerita sangat simpel dan mudah di tebak. tetapi bagi orang yang mempunyai impian ke Italy akan menyukai film ini. kita akan dimanjakan oleh pemandangan pedesaan Italy, bangunan-bangunan kuno dan hamparan kebun anggur.  Saya rasa anda pasti langsung ingin terbang ke Italy ;)

Letters to Juliet teach you it's never too late to find your true love. Film ini membuka mata saya if true love never dies, agak konyol sepertinya tapi itu yang saya rasakan.

banyak pelajaran moral yang bisa saya ambil dari film ini, bukan hanya masalah cinta tapi juga impian. saat kita kejar terus dan terus sampai kita tidak sanggup lagi berharap maka keajaiban itu muncul. i believe in miracle and how about you? ;)

Oct 22, 2010

He replied my tweets..

In this post I wanna  share my happiness to you…
Maybe you get bored with my story .. okey with Jorge Lorenzo anymore…. Ahahahaha
Whatever!!! ;p

I found his twitter account in facebook ,, exactly his official fans club group ..
 I became his 30th  followers,, can you imagine that??  For the first time I was not sure,, but I tried to check it out and yes,, he have twitter,I followed him on 5th November  2009.. I remember,, that he said he was in cheste ,, for test ..

He always update his account twitter,, and replied so many tweets,, so I wanted him to reply my tweets… I was on fire aahahaha always sent him a lot of tweets,, started from “good morning” until “good night” ahahahaha :p yes,, this is me.. I will try to my best to get want I want.. I said to my best friend,, “he have to reply me before he has a thousand of followers” hahahahaha

Fortunately on 13th November 2009,, he replied my tweets for the first time hahahahaha
I shocked ahahaha don’t you know he replied my tweets with these words… “I live there” … after that I felt that I was so moron ahahaha moron but happy aahahaha mix max feeling…  and then my best friend arin,, called me on the phone and congrats to me,,, I screammm yesssss lalalala and singing lalalalal my goal!! She asked me,, “hey via,, what a question that you gave him”?? … I thought what???? I realized .. don’t u know,, I tweet him “Jorge, what are you doing in bcn?” .. in his tweets he said that he wan in bcn.. and he replied me like that!!!!! What a fool!!! Shittt!!! I’m his big fans and dunno like that!!! Ah,, okey honestly,, I thought he was live in mallorca -,-… shittttttttt ahahahaha what a silly question but he replied ahahahah,, but I do not care ahahaha  *that was the first stupid in me to him,, and to be continue -,- ,,, I always like hell when I interact with him* wowowowowowow lalalalala hahahahahah  :P callme freaks lalalala who’s care ahahahaha * so I kept smile all night long ahahaha

On 15th November 2009 … he replied my tweets for the second time… ahahahahaha wavinggggg yihaaaaaa… that was I tweets him .. “ tomorrow I’ve introduce computer test,, but now I watch @lorenzo99 in award.. ahahaha”  .. he sent to me ,, “how is it?” ahahahahah okey okeyyyy ,,, I was feeling lucky anymore,,, I didn’t ask him but he asked me ahahaha :P I said.. “ @lorenzo99 hey Jorge you look so damn good” ahahahahah … and I could smiling as long as studied ahahaha yes he gave me spirit ahahahah:P
 Don’t you know I got 9 for introduce computer he replied me,,, awwwww Jorge,,, you’re influence me so much!!

On 4th January 2010.. started with ,, “red hot chili pepper” … you always replied a lot of tweets ,, I love you Jorge , you’re so kind to your fans,, I say you always having twitter party.. so I really wanna get your attention,, so I sent you a lot of question until I found that guitarist of red hot chili pepper is out.. I know RHCP is you favorite band right,, so I asked you,, “Jorge guitarist RCHP is out,, do you know who replace him”?? and you said,, “me ;)” !! … gezzzzzzz you replied me and I was dying ahahahaha,, you’re so much fun and full with humor,, I love you,, you’re not clumsy!! Ahahahhaha  gezzzz I jumped jumped jumped and my sister asked me,, “what the hell are you doing via??” .. I just saud that,, “Jorge J)) “ aahahahaha thanks for makes me happy and happy ;*

On 12th January 2010,, “where are you jorgeeee???” ,, ahahah okey at that time,, I wondered why u didn’t update your account,, so I tweet without any serious purpose ,, just act like I was in the jungle and I lost you,,, in the dawn my bestfriend congtars me on sms that Jorge replied my tweets,, so opened up my account and see,,, Jorge replied me for the 4th timeeeeeee ahahahahahahahah I started my day with happiness,,, ;))

On 8june 2010 ..  i just checked his following,, and I found @ladygaga … so I was shocking that he loves lady gaga,, i never thought that he likes gaga’s song… so I just asked him did he love lady gaga,,, anddddddd he replied anymore for 5th timesssssss ahahahaahah I’m haaaaapppyyyyyyyy :P

But until now he never reply me anymore,, I now he has a lot of follower,,, do you now the first time I follow him on 5th November 2009,, he had 29 followers and I become his 30 followers,,, but day by day,, his followers getting whoaaaaaaa,,, more than 70000 ,,, ckckckckck
But I still sent him tweets ;) ,,, and waiting his reply anymore :)))


Oct 14, 2010

Say it with flowers to the world champion of motogp 2010 ..

Dear Jorge Lorenzo..

I’ve bunch of flowers consist 3 roses for you champion…
You know what it does mean??
Ah,, I think you don’t know right?? Okay,, let me tell you..

I give you pink roses..
Pink roses,, it means for amazement, happiness, thankful

Amazement: don’t you know Jorge.. I’m so amaze with you.. admire you… you are the greatest rider that I ever seen.. your spirit guide me into a hope.. your effort learn to me that anything can be possible.. a dream can be come true if we have courage to pursue ,, your style on the track is so different ,, remains me to be my self.. don’t ever what people saying,, everyone have their own style.. why do we’ve to act like someone else if we’re better in the others J..  you always act unpredictable,, when we think that you gonna like that ,,in fact you gonna like this.. .. you’re so magic.. full of magical..

Happiness: just so you know Jorge,, your inner strength can make people around you happy.. the way your smiling, the way you talking about.. you give the positive atmosphere ..even we’re in long distant .. you at television and me.. at my home ahahaha if something ruin my mind,, just looking at your picture it make me happy,, bring me back into the top of mood

Thankful : I’m so grateful because you always kind into of us..  thanks for show me something that I didn’t see before… I’m so rude before I learn something in you J thanks for everything that you made it..

I give you white-red roses (combine)

This combination  means that congratulations into someone who has been success … I give it to you because I wanna say,, “CONGRATS THE WORLD CHAMPION!! YOU’RE THE KING IN YOU LAND NOW” ;’) .. I told you before right,, you make your dream come true.. well done Jorge!! I see you are the real fighter in your class now.. fully of certainly you get points in every race.. showing into the world that you can! My prays goes to you..  this is just the beginning of you story.. you still have so much time to be better :) .. let do it in next year.. no matter what happen I always on you side

And for the last flower is yello chrysant

This is for you spirit… you spirit inspire me a lot ,, never give up to get successful!!! Vamos!!!!

feel it and taste every moment champion ;))


Oct 11, 2010

Inside of me.. inside of my feeling . i never know..

Love.. what’s love???

Does love makes you jealousy? 
Does love full with emptiness?
Does love makes you fly high?
How’s to be in love??

Silly stupid things inside of mind,, just because of love

Does love full with tears or smile in another side?
Does love just give a bullshit or really mean it??
Does love are just dream and hope?
Someone can teach me what’s love like or show me?

you are a dreamer, it could be happen just because of love

If we admire someone , can we call it love??
If we feel sad for his sadness or happy for his happiness, we can call it love??
Does love makes you still awake at 4.am?
Does love makes you so romantic?
If we have an idol, can we call it love??

For me love is so hard to explain

When the love begins?
From a smile?
From a kiss?
From tears?
From sore?
From curse?
From attitude?
From history?
From admiration?
From spirit?
From you idol or exactly from the rider of motor grand pix ??????

It started from a heart..

Missing.. did you ever feel it??
Missing someone who never you have before..

If you don’t wanna somebody take your idol on your side and make him to be her.. you use the best effort to keep him/her from bad person,,
If your idol can change your attitude with his/her personality, what we call it?
If we give him/her best support,, and don’t wanna stupid person insult him/her,,
If you love your idol as extraordinary people and human being..
Accept his shortcoming and defects..

Does give a signs?

However your dreams,, you’re gonna make it ..
does it an effect of the power of love?
You’ve a big dreams and make your idol to be a guide in your life,,

Everything you do,, inspired by him/her ..
the spirit of your idol is possession your soul..

Seriously ,what  is it??????
Does it play with your pride???

Or just strike with amaze

I don’t know what love is maybe I’m a fool..
But that’s what I feel inside in my head..
My idol have special place in my deepest heart..  my empty room is full by him
I never felt like this before.. I’m typically hard person to falling
Call me crazy, stupid, ugly ,freaky .. anything else..
I do not care…
This is the first time  in my life

I’m still searching for all.. the means..
I just know what I’m feeling,,
That’s all because of you.. J

Thanks for be a part of my life and makes so color full!!

In every dreams,, I’m waiting you for come in
Even just for a while,, my worry will go away..
I’m completely stupefied by you.. Jorge Lorenzo
Take care of him God.. please..
Make his life so tremendous J
Make him keep flying high.. holding on

walking on..

Here I’m.. watching on you,,
As you make up your life..
Great labor in every race.. full of spirit
Be the cool fighter in every fighting..
Supporting you,, no mater how’s hard,, how’s far..
Just so you know,,
I always be there for you in every condition..

Lets me sing a song..
“you know that’s true,, ain’t no body as I’m crazy for you”
“it’s all about you, everybody knows that I’m crazy for you”
“you know that’s is true ,promise  you the world that go crazy for you”
“it’s all about you, everything you do makes me crazy for you”

♥viahzrdous♥ (10-10-10)

Chasing you on November 29th 2009

That was the first time I saw him on real… not on television or even on youtube :p ,, so in this post,, I’m gonna write my story when I met him :) enjoy..

I heard that he would come to Indonesia from “Detik” ,, one of digital news in Indonesia… in the news wrote that he launched the new Jupiter z,, from Yamaha Indonesia.. so I was full of passionate… God damn!!
On my mind whispered like,, “ you don’t wanna have failed anymore right via???” ..( yes poor me,, when he came for the first time in Indonesia,,, I can’t meet him because I had exam… just so you know,, I was in the final grade high school,, so should pass it.. :)

I collected the information,, even from his twitter (@lorenzo99) he would come to sentul on November 29th 2009 … I asked my best friend to accompanied me,, her name is arin.. fortunately she said,, “ YES” !!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa done!!!

I have a friend from facebook,, her name’s Dini… the first time I know her I thought she’s so annoy ahahahah *forgive me dini* :p ,,, but when we took conversation,, she’s not,,, she’s the best for sharing about Jorge Lorenzo :),, now we are on friendship… she’s younger than me.. she asked me to join in,, so definitely I said,, “ yes”:)

We had appointment,, at 7:00 am ,,, dini came to my house,, even that was the first time she came to my house she didn’t lost it bhahahaha okey smart girl :P… dini and I took public transport,, we should meet arin and mba russ :) .. honestly all of us didn’t know how got to sentul ahahahaha just because of JORGE LORENZO… we were so brave ahahaha

At night before went to sentul,, my mind full of question.. like..
“ can we meet??”
“can I taking picture with him??”
“how’s he in the real?? Does he’s so woaaaa,,, or even so wouuuu?”
( you know what I mean?? Gagagaga)
“ should I give him a gift??? Or what?”
And many more,, so I couldn’t fall a sleep very well ahahahahahaha

In public transportation… I can’t remember what happened in there,, because it was so long time ago ahahahaha I just remembered that driver trick us!!! Okeyy,,, he was so fucked up!! He said that he could carried us until ……… ,,with cheaper… but in fact that was so expensive hah!!

But at that time I didn’t think about it,, my destination was meet Jorge Lorenzo!!! Ahahahahaha

We arrived in sentul,,, I was so curious…. Where’s Jorge,,,,hohohohhhoo
While We have been waiting him… we saw the assean Yamaha cup race… that was the first time I saw race live….. the atmosphere so whoaaaaa,,, very loud :D ,,,how about motogp race?? I wondering that’s soooo louder … (next years l will !)

dini,via,arin in sentul :)

When I sat on the spectator,,, I heard on loud speaker that he was coming… so without waiting any longer time,,, I run to his place,, but fuck!!!! The security so fucking damn!! They were forbid me in his area,,,,, wtf!!! He said that,, “ Jorge is easy to get wet”.. they were harsh me,,, shout out to me,, pushed me!!!!!!!!!! Damn!!!! They thought that I would make Jorge get annoy!! ,,,,!!!
Or did they think that I’ll shoot him with bullet??? Heyyyy Jorge is my idol,,, I never think that I’ll make him die like that!!!! Poor youuuu!!!!!!!!
Until now,, I’m still grudge

So with full of emptiness,, I walk pass by into the circuit and watched race but out of focus…

And then suddenly here he comesssssssssssssssss!!!!!! He was ride the new Jupiter Z!!!!! geeeeeezzzzzzz,,, in my head just diosssss mioooooo!!!!! ‘who’s that boy???? Lalalalalalalala’ … I screamed out loud… “jorgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” … just so you know,, he stopped his motorcycle in front of me!!!!! And gave me waving hand!!!! I climbed fence,, to be closer ahahahah run from fence into other fence.. I saw hector.. yes he is jorge’s manager for public relation.. he’s so nice :) ..
Jorge speech given in formal setting and thanks to Yamaha because invited him,, and said that one day Indonesia must be in calendar of motogp. :) he have a lot of fans here..

I couldn’t get picture,, because I was lost of focus ahahahah so hard to describe that your prince dreaming is near with you.. I tried to get his hand but the fucking security harsh me anymore!!!!!! Jorge gave his hand to me so I was so excited.. but okey once again security!!!!!!!!!! Don’t you know!!! I FAILED!!!!!! ( my fight)

But do not call me via if I’m not try and try!!!! I ran into his car “alphard” and be in front of.. so many journalists ahahahah I’m in journalist crowed ahahahahaah always screammm and sceam jorgeeee jorgeeee jorgeeeeeeeeeee ahahahaha for the second time he gave his hand but at this time,, fucking journalist reached it!!! Ahhh,, I’m so little girl and they are so big big big huaaaaaaaaa fucked!!!!!! Third time baby!!!!!

sentul :O

Beside me,, standing hector.. I slap his shoulder and call him,, “hello carlos” hector just stared at me with emptiness,, *I guess he was so confuse anhaha because he’s not carlos,, he’s hector”… after that I realized that OMGGGG he’s hector,, his name’s hector not CARLOS!!!!!! ,, I made stupid thing,,, -,- I always like that In every holy moment,, I messed it ahahaha ,, sorry hector for my stupid acted!! Ahahaha :P

After that Jorge gone away in sentul,, I was bending on my knee in field and criedddddd ,,, ( god damned,,, I lost my chance to be clores with him… I lost it,,, dunno when it will be happened anymore… T.T) that was on my mind… jorgeee jorgeee jorgeeeee
But in my deepest heart I’m pretty sure I’m gonna meet him with more special!!! (it happened ,,, I met him more special and of course with my stupid act anymore ahahaha oh viaaaaa ahaha I’m gonna tell you in the next pos how this could be happen;))

Oh yes almost forget to tell you,, jorge took picture and uploaded in his twitter account.. my hands on there ahahaha :P so little but at that moment I was pretty happy ahahaha

♥ viahzrdous99♥